2024-25 PTA Meetings
PTA Meetings are a great way to meet other parents and hear about what's happening at our school.
Meetings are at 6:00pm, and are usually held in the school library on the 1st Wednesday of each month, except as noted on the calendar. Most meetings are offered in a hybrid format and can be accessed via this ZOOM LINK. Agendas are posted before each regular association meeting.
Members of the PTA who wish to request that the president and executive board consider a specific item for a future meeting agenda should please contact the PTA president.
October 2
Our meeting will cover essential PTA business, followed by our Parent Education session “Reconnect with Julia Storm" - helping parents raise safe, conscious and healthy kids in the digital age. This will be a hybrid meeting, so you can attend in person or join us virtually.
Dinner and childcare will be available for those attending in person. We hope to see you there, whether online or in person!
November 6
Join us for an important PTA meeting where we will elect the Nominating Committee. This committee plays a vital role in identifying and recommending candidates for our PTA leadership positions for the next school year. Serving on this committee offers a chance to shape our school’s future and strengthen our community.
Followed by our guest speaker Dr. Steve Richardson, Elementary Pathway Director, on district values, post-COVID supports, and resources available to WRLC. Learn how current initiatives support our school community.
Dinner and childcare will be available for those attending in person. We hope to see you there, whether online or in person!
January 22
February 5
Nominating committee presentation of the slate of PTA officers for the 2024-2025 school year.
March 5
Annual elections for PTA executive board
April 2
May 7
In & Out Meeting - Last meeting of the school year
Officers Transition
Adoption of 2025-26 PTA budget
Meeting attendance and voting
Our meetings are open to all families and staff at Will Rogers Learning Community. Non-PTA members may attend association meetings via a courtesy seat provided by the president, however per California State PTA: a guest who is not a member of the association may not make motions nor participate in discussion, nominations, votes or elections. JOIN PTA TODAY and make your voice heard!